This is probably my favorite switch accessory and easily solves my biggest switch complaint. Prior to the launch of this product, whenever I and one other person needed joysticks to play games, we would either connect the small black sliding parts with attached straps or just use the joysticks with no additional items. Connecting the black pieces made the shoulder buttons more accessible, but the controller still felt undersized. In addition, trying to remove the straps was also very difficult due to the small profile, and it was difficult to get a handle to remove them. It was better to play without the straps, but the shoulder buttons were exceptionally painful because they're tiny and recessed into the top. With this product, the custom joystick finally feels like a real controller. The shoulder buttons are very easy to press, although the size is still smaller than other controllers I'm used to, the profile fits my hands very well, and all the buttons and joystick on the front are still comfortable to use. I also appreciate the fact that the controller feels solid and doesn't fall off easily, yet can still be removed without too much effort. This is very useful when you need the motion detection feature of the joysticks. All in all, if you have a Switch and for some reason have ever only had to use a joycon, it's worth the investment, especially for the money. Nintendo should take note of this and start linking them to Switches.