I can't express enough how much I love this handbag. Not only is it attractive looking but the many pockets help you to organize so many items. The odor is not strong or overwhelming; it reminds me of airports and luggage for some reason. The look is sleek, beautiful color (mine is olive), it is very flexible and the straps are long enough to feel comfortable on my shoulders. It's hard to find handbags that are durable, soft to the touch with a long strap to sling over your shoulders. The crease will go away once you fill up the bag. One way to keep the crease from becoming permanent is to stuff the bag with gift wrapping paper so it holds its shape if you are not using it. This is a bag worth buying in multiple colors if you can afford it. The price is reasonable, could be about $10.00 less, but worth it. I am going to purchase the larger version in a different color. My favorite handbag so far.
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