I've had this base for a year now. I've mailed this thing around my shop a dozen times, along with a massive amount of curses for every piece of wood I tried to support. This thing causes serious anger. If you hit it just a little, even with a dusty hose, it will all fall apart and it will need to be retuned. If you tighten something to stabilize it, the tubes just break and everything becomes loose and unstable again. Every time I touch this thing something bad happens and last but not least it REALLY REALLY wants to bruise my fingers. This thing can be sturdy if you weld it together and bolt it to the floor, otherwise with a 2x4 and a long dowel rod you can get much, much, much, much, much better results and you'll get a good result. a set of multiple support legs for the same price as this junk. My $0.02 after one year of fair use. be nice to yourself
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