Well, not much more to say about the legendary Chuck Taylors. With a long history, these shoes have been worn for generations and have gained a cult following. This is the 5th check set I own and I know when I buy it will meet my expectations and be of good quality. I've been wearing them since I was 13 and I will never stop because they suit my style perfectly. I always wear them low and love them like my first child. They always fit perfectly, with no noticeable deviations over the years. It was probably the only shoe I could buy without tying to make sure it fit. Their soles are the perfect combination of traction and durability, creating a shoe that won't slip as you walk. They're easy to keep clean, no matter how dirty, and are perfect for light shoes as they let fresh, dry air through. Their price has steadily increased over the years but for this shoe I think the price is worth it. With a wide range of low and high tops, in a variety of colors and prints, these shoes cater to every personal taste. I have been buying this particular shoe for over 30 years and plan to do so for another 30 years. If you buy this shoe, you most likely know it. It's the best for a reason. It's straight out of my "CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT" category.