I have bought many "leather" bags online and most of them are inferior to the photos, either not real leather, cheap quality material or poor workmanship. The bag is excellent, thick leather without flaws, simple and at the same time durable processing. It's definitely better than I expected for the price. I saw some comments about the small size, so it's better for buyers to fully understand the size before buying, so as not to be disappointed. I bought this to take my camera accessories with me, so I appreciated a smaller opening than the bottom one, but an opening big enough for easy access to things while minimizing falling out. The shape of the bag is modern, this bag can be both a mini bag for women and a tote bag for men. I won't put heavy objects in it, so I expect the handle to be last. The aged finish means I'm not afraid of getting water or dirt on it. I made some meds for my use case, I added a padded liner at the bottom to better protect my camera gear and keep the bottom shape flat, and I punched small hooks on either side and installed quick release anchors so I can attach one Camera strap to carry a body bag if I need it. I also applied it with beeswax before the first use. This is a very beautiful bag and worth customizing. I love it.
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