If you have a budget, I recommend a more expensive model. Its pros: convenient for a small set of acc tool - I basically fit everything I have (grinder, circular, charging and two Shuriks, wrench, etc.), I was tempted by the price. but now I would choose a proff model of another brand Got cons: short retractable handle - even with my small stature. The wheel loosened up - after a month of use, it's a problem to remove it (it's good that it's removable). The wheels are removed from the side with brass plugs (you need to pry it off with a screwdriver), the petals of the plug press it and fix it on a plastic guide with small notches. how much longer this system will withstand is a big question. I installed a gasket, I'm not sure how long it will last. The second removal of the wheel will not survive most likely. Most likely in the model for 6 thousand the same system with wheels. The summary is this - with a heavy load of the box, the wheels will start to walk and then, most likely, they will get a khan. Maintainability - definitely NO