I bought the same JBM (blue) in 2014 without a helmet and it still works without a problem despite a few falls. Of course it was dirty in some places, but that's okay. I won't have access to this equipment for a long time. So I had to order this new set with helmet. The helmet fits VERY well and all other safety gear fits as well. I always ride with all my gear! ** Cons: The only negative is that the knee pads should be looser as other reviews have said. It's still a little tight in the loosest position as I have bigger hips/legs and will continue to gain weight with more movement, but that's not a problem for me. I think knee pads should also have holes for the back of the knees to allow for better mobility!
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๐ก๏ธ Ultimate Protection for Cycling, Skateboarding, and Rollerblading: JBM Protective Gear
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๐ด DaCool Adjustable Toddler Cycling Helmet - Enhanced Protection
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