I grew up with wooden folding rules with brass fittings. The Wiha Metric folding rule is made of cast plastic. Its hinges are in part a one-piece casting of the ruler with a plastic cylinder around which the sections rotate. This plastic cylinder is a different type of plastic, softer and probably more resistant to friction. This plastic cylinder is held in place with a thin metal cotter pin. The hinges have built-in "stops" when the pop-up section is at 90ΒΊ and again when the section is at 180ΒΊ. The stops seem crisp now, but with heavy use I can imagine the plastic wearing out quicker than the brass fittings on the wooden binder. It doesn't evoke the same nostalgic feeling as a wooden folding rule, but it doesn't feel awful. The plastic parts seem to have the same strength as a wooden folder. The thickness of the cuts is the same as my wooden folder 0.3 cm, to be honest it lies better than my wooden folders with brass fittings when fully folded. You know how those brass hinges cause a wood binder to have a small gap between sections? This plastic metric folder is composed more precisely. I compared its markings to other metric rulers and it turned out to be accurate. Markings are black. They are not just drawn. The markers are also slightly concave, giving a slightly jagged feel when you slide your finger across them. Large numbers 10, 20 etc. are applied every 10 cm, painted red. The rule is read from each side. Its unfolded length is 2 meters. The first and last sections are 21.5 cm long, the eight inner sections are approx. 1.5 cm longer. When folded, the ruler is 23.5 cm long, 3.2 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick. There is some mold plastic left at the end of each section, but not enough to make me want to use sandpaper. The rules state that it is made in Switzerland. Now I give five stars. I will come back and fix it if it doesn't meet that standard over time.