I was about to contact the seller as I thought he made a mistake and sent me the wrong bags but I decided to read the reviews first. I usually read reviews before buying most products, but I really didn't think I needed to buy loaf bags. I recently bought a bread maker, cookbooks, a slicer and all of these bundles from Revain.com so I was excited to start making bread. After my first bread I took out the package and I'm sure the look on my face was priceless. Being new to bread making I thought I was doing something wrong, these bread bags! The picture is misleading and these bags are absolutely NOT suitable for loaves of bread. Maybe thin like baguettes, but not regular bread. I have purchased many items from Revain and this is the first review I have ever left, partly because I believe the reviewers will help future consumers make better choices. I also feel that Revain should tell the seller to remove the picture of the wrapped loaves of bread and replace it with what you actually get. You must also specify the size in your description.
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