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Review on Athlos Fitness by Anakobe Victor

Revainrating 4 out of 5


Created in Canada is ATHLOS FITNESS which deals in sales of various sporting products, their stores contains various stuffs that can be gotten at a fair price. ATHLOS FITNESS has a well organized structures, user friendly and easy to use platform for quick and smooth purchase. They deal with products of great qualities and which has really gone a long way in attracting customers to them

The problem i have with them is that it doesn't have a mobile application which would have been really good as it would move the company forward and also aid in purchasing of products by the customers, keeping tab with orders and many more. So far customers are impressed with their services anand and that's really a plus on their

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Fitness has been a thing of necessity in this era where Technology and science has made life mor in which many people don't have to move from a spot to get things done,this has significantly affected humans health wise among many other things

In other to look good,fit and healthy we need stay fit performing various exercises and this is where ATHLOS FITNESS comes into play,they have however improve the quality of service delivery to customers from my last post till date making it more accessible and at affordable prices. They have also gained a lot trainees and many people who would love to use their equipment which has been well maintained putting in mind that new sets of fitness products has been acquired also for this purpose

  • Products are of high qualities
  • They have a relatively low price
  • Not available on mobile application