With a long range and depth, while being very compact in size. Deeper is a very useful assistant for the fisherman, I don't know how I used to live without it! In addition to GPS, it is possible to create your own maps of fishing spots. Compact size, comparable to a tennis ball! It draws the bottom relief very clearly and beautifully and shows at what depth the fish is standing. The application interface is quite simple, anyone can figure it out. Who doubts the purchase, it is possible to download the "Deeper smart echo sounder" application and click the demonstration in the settings, see how it will be displayed live on a fishing trip. Good stuff, you won't regret it!
🐟 Счастливые приборы для поиска рыбы в воде: портативный датчик сонара-трансдьюсер для эффективной рыбалки в любом водоеме.
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