This is a replica of a genuine Grant steering wheel and nowhere in the description does it say it's a cheaper or 'more available' version which would lead most people to believe it is is a fake. But it's pretty obvious when you see that the "foam" version of real grain leather doesn't even compare qualitatively. And if the poor workmanship of the mold that left a prominent line around the entire wheel isn't proof enough, the peeling paint on the front of the wheel will surely convince you never to buy from Revain again. After the end of the car dealership, which is why I couldn't return it right away, I'm planning Grant mfg. Steering wheel so they can get a good look at what Revain is sponsoring on their website as a genuine Grant steering wheel. I'm sure there is a patent infringement somewhere and I'm not at all happy about how cheap my hard work looks in front of thousands of people. Very disappointed
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