I advise everyone who will buy this adapter in Ubuntu to immediately roll fixes to official firewood out of the box. Out of the box, rtl8192cu is used. I had problems with it, the load indication on the adapter did not work, the green light wascomnstantly on and there were breaks every 3-4 hours under heavy loads, active surfing or music in the background of surfing. And sometimes it dropped to 3-2 sticks in the reception. So, there is a fix for these firewood. To do this, open thecomnsole and let's go: step one- sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms step two- sudo apt-get install git step three- git clone . Git step four- sudo dkms add. /rtl8192cu-fixes step five- sudo dkms install 8192cu/12022 step six- sudo depmod -a step seven- sudo cp. /rtl8192cu-fixes/blacklist-native-rtl8192.Conf /etc/modprobe. D/ everything. We reboot and get just a MEGA stable adapter that always holds 4 sticks and does not sag even under super loads. I strongly advise everyone to roll this fix.
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