From a family member: I have a large pond in my yard that I clean and I also spend time boating where I need comfortable shoes like sneakers that I can wear in the lake without hurting my feet on rocks or anything else . sharp objects. These do their job! These are the most durable water shoes I've ever owned, not the cheaper versions with soft mesh uppers. They say they are "breathable" but that's the holes on the sides and top, not the waterproof material itself. For that reason I don't wear them as "regular" outdoor shoes - due to the light foam they hold up toughest outdoor sports. They are supposed to protect your feet in the water and that's why I got them. They are comfortable and fit my feet well. I wear a 12 in most shoes, ordered these in this size and they fit just right. My feet lean to the wide side and were a bit tight at first but soon stretched to a custom fit. You are more comfortable to wear thin quick-drying socks. The laces are elastic. To make them light and easy, I adjusted them until the density was what I wanted, then double knotted and trimmed off the excess. The soles have a tread that provides reasonable traction without being as aggressive as they pick up gravel. Being mostly white, they make good boat shoes that won't ruin the deck. They're pretty expensive for water boots, so you need to know if they're up to the task. As long as you wear them as water running shoes, they are worth the money.
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