For 3000 a good keyboard. The clicks of the switches themselves are actually not that loud. The ride is easy and pleasant. The backlight is normal, only the lower symbols on 11 buttons are poorly highlighted, but they are still visible, just a little worse. When printing, this will not cause much inconvenience. The backlight is adjustable in 8 positions. The strange font on the buttons doesn’t confuse me at all, since I basically remember where which letters are located, although I don’t type blindly. Illumination for an amateur, 6 colors by zones. Brightness is continuously adjustable over a wide range. The keyboard is quite sonorous if you press a lot of buttons at once - the keys resonate and ring, drowning out even the clicks of clicks. If you play or type text is not very fast, then everything is fine. In general, the keys rattle like this on most keyboards, for example, if you run your palm over them. But the space bar is very dull knocking, it immediately allows you to understand by the sound that it was the space bar that was pressed, the sound is very different from other keys. To some, this may seem like a disadvantage. At the same time, it does not ring or rattle, but it hits the limiter deafly. In general, the keyboard is good. In the photo, the difference between the minimum and maximum brightness of the backlight.