More than three months have passed since the camera was first put into service. Prior to that, it had been 5 In my perspective, not a very successful model from Gopro. At first, there was some debate on whether or not to choose a 7-ku or a 6-ku. Nonetheless, there is a discernible gap between the two prices. As a direct consequence of this, I decided to get a new 7-ku and read the reviews. And did not regret. Even in comparison to the 6th stabilization, it is a significant improvement. The change is really not hard to spot at all. In point of fact, at this point you no longer need any external steadic at all. Stabilization also works wonderfully in the timewrap mode, which is something I consider to be a breakthrough in the industry. The sound improved, and there was less background noise and wind. Honesty demands shooting in 4K at 60 frames per second. The stabilization contributes to the success as well. In comparison to the 5th series, the camera is an absolute disaster. Both in heaven and on earth Should someone still be on the fence regarding whether or not they should make the switch to 7-ku, I can assure them that they should! You won't come to regret it. In my opinion, with the release of this new GoPro model, they have at long last reclaimed their leadership position and emerged victorious over their rivals. Not too long ago, version 1.61 of the firmware was made available. I put it there. When filming in the evening or at night, there is a notable improvement in the camera's ability to maintain its stability, as was instantly apparent. There is no longer any shaking or flickering taking place. Installing this firmware is something that I strongly suggest anyone who has recently acquired a camera do. In summary, I couldn't be happier with my purchase of this camera! I would suggest.