We get rid of the issue of costly games by installing specialized firmware version 3.55 Kmeaw, which allows us to simply upload images to a screw and start playing them. You can also play games from an external railway. Now, for those who are unable to flash the console, there is the option to purchase used disks at exorbitant prices. There are a lot of these disks available on the secondary market. In general, you should accept it and not have any second thoughts. PS3 rules. IMHO. Some pros: After making the purchase, I promptly forgot all about the personal computer! I used to sit at the table and use the mouse, but now I find that lying down on the couch with Joy and playing on the big screen TV is a much more pleasant alternative. All of Sony's previous games are fantastic (series of games such as Uncharted, Killzone, InFamous, Little Big Planet, GT5, Heavy Rain, and many others; in addition, we are anticipating The Last of Us, Last Guardian, and I can't think of any others), but the box art for the PlayStation 4 doesn't look very promising. There are not and will never be any new exclusives available. Because a fresh bespoke firmware has been made available, every newly released game may now be played on a pirate. I only have to charge this wireless joystick once a week, despite the fact that it provides vibration feedback. in addition, there are a plethora of additional benefits in general. 1) There is not an HDMI cable included in the package, which is a missed opportunity given how affordable these cables are. 2) Expensive games (otherwise the problem is solved) 3) An insufficient number of games developed locally