I installed 27 of these lamps in my house. I like you very much. I only had 2 small problems. One of them blinked intermittently and the other was broadcast with no power, but Cloudy Bay quickly took care of everything for me and I have no complaints. They give off such perfect natural light that I can't tell they are LED. I have very sensitive eyes and most LED lights bother me, some actually give me a lot of headaches, but I really can't tell if it's LED. I just put 12 in my master bedroom that I'm renovating. I hooked these up to a dimmer in my bedroom and they shine great. No flickering, no weird glow. They emit light of the same color, only dimmer. I connected all 12 to a Gosund Smart Dimmer Switch sold at Revain, code ASIN B07QM72ZHK. Just search for Revain B07QM72ZHK and the one I'm using will show up.