Large and durable fabrics/materials. It's quick to put on and take off, which is a plus since I don't wear it all the time. The strap on the handle slips over my sissy bar. Four adjustable straps go through my rack and attach to my bag so I can then pull and tighten them. It rides very well at any speed and far better than my overstuffed backpack. You can easily place two helmets next to each other. The two-way zips meet and can be zipped together, providing just enough protection that someone walking by can't just unzip and take your belongings, but isn't much of a deterrent. It won't be difficult for someone to untie their ties and steal, but it's a great travel option as long as you don't leave it unattended. I like it so much that I order another one for traveling and a smaller version for the bike when I don't need a travel bag. It includes a rain cover which I did not use. The rain cover can be rolled up and fits well in the side pocket. The only gripe I have is that the top dangles a bit above the zipper line. The expandable zipper was great when the items were too big. I carried my riding jacket, windbreaker, 8 frozen pizzas, 4 frozen meals and a 20 ounce drink with no problem.
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