I've been using the TT685N flash for many years and was happy to switch to the V1-N flash. I bought 2 of these - one for the camera and one for the camera. It's really fun in front of the camera and works great if you're shooting relatively slowly. Thing is, for quick shots like wedding dance floors, intros, speeches, etc., the recycle time is unbearably slow. I was blown away by the long recharge time, even at ISO 800, shutter speed 160, f/2.2 - it didn't take much light from the flash. My SB-700 can take 4-5 frames in a row without missing a second. This is a great flash for off-camera shooting though, as I mostly shoot at 1/64 and 1/32 in manual mode - and for that function it processes fairly quickly. The reason I keep it for off-camera shots is because I don't have to charge AA batteries with this flash and I really appreciate magnetic modifiers. And with that in mind, the modifiers don't seem like quality construction - they were a lot lighter and cheaper, just as I expected. So yes, give it a try, but make sure it suits your specific needs before committing!