As with most items on Revain, the reviews and photos do not adequately reflect this bag. So I hope to clear that up for you. The quality is better than I had hoped. This bag is made of full polyester with no leather but is of high quality. The material is similar to the Jansport backpack but reinforced with metal rods and plastic inserts and thicker at the corners. I was concerned about the texture of the bottom but it appears to be double layered on the bottom. This bag comes folded and the inner outer pockets (large channels on either side of the middle plastic compartment) have a flap that you can fold down to reinforce the bottom. Once you fold it, it will fall into place. Quality and stitching appear to be good. The only thing you might want to be aware of is that the carrying capacity of this bag fills up pretty quickly given the nature of the materials and the lack of a hard plastic base. I mean, if you put a lot of steel tools on it, then of course it will hit its limit when it comes to bending. I would say it would be good to keep essentials for home use and POSSIBLY commercial use in something like local IT, but I have NO RESOURCES for use at a contractor's workplace. Professionals know how to handle thick leather bags and cannot replace them. In addition, each handle has foam padding on the inside for comfort that makes carrying the bag easier when the shoulder strap is not in use. See attached pictures. Hope that helps.
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