I personally use it for legal work, but there is also an office version called cloudContracts as well! It helped us create templates that made creating new forms so intuitively easy to do (even after years of practice).
Our clients know they can find answers easily by checking with our team or reviewing any contract we sent them through Contracts Sifted service - no need to worry about finding information anymore since everything has always been stored online in one place ready-to be retrieved from all devices anywhere at anytime. Also their integration allows me send updates directly into my gmail account which prevents lost emails within Google Calendar where documents are usually kept! And last not least best tool/website ever discovered while working remotely was being able see what projects people were looking forward towards finishing first! I like that it helps me keep my contract organized, also allows for more detailed notes than just "accepted" or rejected so there is actually information in those fields! There isn’t anything i dislike about this product but would love to see some improvements made as well (i know they are working hard at making them). This has saved us tons of hours by having all our invoices right where we need then instead looking through old files trying find an invoice from months ago etc - saves alot.