I have OEM tools (for VW, GM and Ford), Matco scan tools and snap-on scan tools professional used before and i To be honest this device is the best i have used so far. First, it will auto-detect the VIN much faster if it's available for that vehicle, alongside the OEM tools of course, and has a feature-rich, user-friendly interface. Operational data can be graphed and overlaid for a variety of things and recorded at the same time. A full error scan allows you to jump straight to the module you want to access, whether it's malfunctioning or not, with a single button. and the TPMS system is easy and quick to use. It is worth noting that until now any use of TPMS always requires internet access, although I have already downloaded all the manufacturers' programs for this, but in general this is not a problem. The two-way control is quick and easy, and even resetting the oil life is almost always helpful as it tells you how to do it when you can't do it with a scan tool, which is great. The screen is very sharp at 1080p (or a bit more I think) and since it runs Android you can access the internet like a regular tablet if you need to google something. The fact that the scan tool I used from Snap on cost almost 5k, was slower and didn't have all the features that this one has says a lot and I like Snap on for a lot of things but I'm so impressed far from Autel. Written about MS906 Pro-TS
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