I have tangled with the Gorilla many times before. More often than not I would get frustrated by the incredible mount of expansion. I understand the application error resides with me but no matter what I did it would consume my entire project as it dried. This time out I was desperate since everything else I tried had failed miserably. I was trying to attach a steel plate to some kind of processed metal in order to create a speaker stand. I had tried Loctite, J-B Weld and two different epoxies all failed once the speaker was set on it. I would wait a week to dry to be sure and they always failed. So I let the Gorilla out of its cage one more time. I anticipated the over flow and laid down paper towels to catch. Sure enough within a few hours the Gorilla was all over the paper towels. I waited two days to cure as I used a very healthy amount. The speakers are 58 lbs each so I wanted to be sure it was dry. It's been 2 months now and my speakers are still sitting happily on their new stands.
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