I needed these for a small basic board for work and they fitted perfectly. I've used them a few times since then and they work great. Just mount it on the board first and then drill the posts. I'll definitely buy again when it's gone. But it will probably take some time since there are so many of them.
SOKOL computer table KST-14, corner: left, WxDxH: 140x123.5x182.8 cm, color: sonoma oak/white
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Wall-ceiling lamp Estares Saturn 60W R-470-SHINY/WHITE-220-IP44, 60 W, 47 x 47 cm, armature color: white, shade color: white
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Cordless drill driver Nocord, 20V, 2x1.5 Ah Li-Ion, in a case + 24 pieces of equipment, NCD-20.2.15.C
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🔩 Eowpower 50 штук 1/4"-20 x 7/16" цинковых заклёпок с прямыми шипами
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Hemway Glitter Grout Tile Additive: Sand Gold Sparkle For Your Bathroom, Kitchen And Wet Room Tiles - Easy To Use And Temperature Resistant!
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💪 Bondic UV Liquid Plastic Welder - Fast Cure, Strong Adhesive Repair Kit for Home, Garage, Outdoors, etc. - Complete Starter Set (LED Light & Liquid Cartridge in Compact Tin Case)
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Добавка Silver Holographic Stars Glitter Grout Tile 100G - проста в использовании для плитки, ванной комнаты, влажной комнаты и кухни
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32Oz Gorilla White Waterproof Patch & Seal Liquid For Effective Sealing (Single Pack)
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