Perfect size bag to fit all my stuff. I like all bags as described. Compared to other bags, this one is a bit expensive, but not a bad buy. I think for such a price there should have been some kind of embroidered shirts. Single purchases of things add up quickly, since there is no need to choose concepts instead of bag types, decision making is greatly simplified. Maybe the company will take care of that. They are not very expensive.
Premium HimaPro Embroidery Hoop Set: SA442, SA443, SA444, and SA445 Replacement for Brother 🧵 Hoops - Compatible with PC6500, PC8200, PC8500, PC8500D, PE700, PE700II, PE750, PE750D, PE770, PE800, Innovis 1000/1200/1250D
8 Review
Diamond Painting Storage Containers (3 Pack) - 28 Grids for Beads, Portable Plastic Box for 5D Diamond Embroidery, Perfect for DIY Art Crafts
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Brother INNOV-IS BP3600 embroidery machine
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Janlynn Embroidery 4 Inch Wildflowers Finches
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🌈 Joy Sunday Cross Stitch Kits: Stamped Rainbow Unicorn - Easy Patterns for Girls - DMC Cross-Stitch Supplies - Animal Series
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🌈 Rainbow Color Embroidery Floss Set - 50 Skeins | Cross Stitch Thread | Cotton Friendship Bracelet String | Craft Yarn for Bracelets, Cross Stitch, and Embroidery Projects
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🌈 Vibrant Rainbow Embroidery Floss: 50 Skeins for Cross Stitch, Friendship Bracelets, and Crafts
8 Review
Maydear Cross Stitch Kits - Beginner's DIY Embroidery Starter Kits | Stamped | Full Range 11CT with 3 Strands | Starry Night of Van Gogh | 23×18 Inch
8 Review