Works like a professional spray gun in some cases. I only use nail polish and it works well when both thinner and blush/retarder are added to the nail polish. For ready to spray nitro paint products it is average at best. If you want to grind and polish, that's not a problem as you level and polish. however, this still results in a loss of material. The sweet spot is very difficult to set for any fan pattern, and due to the size of the included cup, material is halfway empty when you hit the best settings. It works best when handled like a double action airbrush and the trigger is pulled about 80-90%. (Pull the fluid needle in, just stop the flow instead.) So you disconnect the cup and refill it before you can start spraying. If your finishing material takes an hour between coats, you can get away with two passes, but on the third pass the gun will start to clog and will have to be taken apart for cleaning (regardless of whether the material is thinned or not). Of course, this means disassembling and cleaning the gun again and reliving the tuning and cup filling process. A better mug should be part of the purchase price. The cup is too small unless you draw model cars or toys and the lid is full Mickey Mouse. After five quick sprays on a medium sized object, the cap came off the vent. Worse still, the vent keeps clogging - and you have fun stopping and cleaning the lid again. By the time enough finishing material has flowed out of the bowl so that you can tilt the gun back without clogging the vent, the finishing is almost done. Overall it seems well made, but it's one of the most inefficient and labor-intensive tools you can afford. I just have to get it to the paint/superfine mixing gun. Terrible purchase.
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