Received this bag this afternoon. I bought it because I was looking for a durable backpack for hiking and garbage collection. I was willing to pay a reasonable price for a good package that will hold up well and last a long time. However, once I started my research, I found that the really heavy bags cost $200 plus dollars each. I couldn't find a bag to buy for the price so I decided to buy something cheaper with more good reviews to wait while I researched further. So I bought this bag based on the description and the number of good reviews. At first impression I was a bit disappointed. The canvas doesn't seem particularly durable to me. That's what I would expect from any old average canvas bag. Also, as some other reviews have pointed out, it really lacks structure. If you put it on the ground, it practically collapses into a shapeless heap. The straps and latches on the main top cover are not working. They are purely cosmetic and have latches underneath that really close. This worries me because I hate things that serve no purpose other than cosmetics. The main part of the storage bag is secured with a rope that ties at the front to pull down. It doesn't seem the safest. There's a small zippered compartment, but it doesn't hold much. In terms of size, this is not what I would call a "big" bag. It's medium sized for a backpack a college student might have, maybe a tad larger, but don't be fooled - it's not large by any means. In general everything is fine. To be honest I find it a bit overpriced for what you get. I paid a little over 40β¬ for it. I think I would feel a little better if my purchase was around $30. I really don't feel like this is anything special, and unless all other comparable bags in this price range are complete crap, I don't understand the plethora of really high reviews for this bag.
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