First, the coverage is good. Well made and good quality. Overall good fit. However, I have a problem with the CarCovers seller. My 2002 Firebird Convertible has a power antenna in the right rear fender. When folded, it still protrudes eight inches beyond the wing. All of the other custom, cheaper cases I've bought come with an antenna patch, a small self-adhesive piece of fabric with a hole in the center that attaches to the bottom of the case. The antenna protrudes through the lid and a patch prevents the hole in the lid from opening. I called CarCovers and told their customer service representative about my problem. I was told the patch would be mailed to me the same day. That was a month ago and there is still no patch. I believe that a special cover for this model would solve the antenna problem in the finished product, or at least they could honor their obligation to send a patch as a solution to my problem. The fact that they didn't is extremely disappointing.