These bags are a complete waste of money. I bought them hoping to package my company's product in a sleek, professional way, but they were a complete disappointment .Thanks to my knowledge gained in practice, I could tell right away that these bags are not made for industrial and scientific use. They ripped easily and were not as durable as advertised. The metallized finish also did not give off the reflective look I was hoping for. Save your money and buy a different brand..
Get Organized With 100 Clear Resealable Zip Bags (8"X10" 2 Mil) From Halulu
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ClearBags 9 X 15 Door Hanger Bags (1000 Bags) For Door Knob Flyers Promotions Coupons Clear Plastic Poly Hanging Bags For Mail Newspaper Bags With Hangers Protect Against Rain, Dirt, & Bugs DK4
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Universal stroller Riko Bella 3 in 1, 03, chassis color: black
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Shield ATLANT universal 774142100800, 465x185x30 mm, transparent, 1 pc.
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