I wanted to redesign my 2015 Corollas car seats as the original material they are made from is difficult to keep clean. Even a drop of water is noticeable. So a year ago I bought some cheap cases from AutoZone and they worked fine but kept slipping and it was very annoying. In the end I decided to spend money on it. Very good for the price and the material. The material is heavy and seems fairly durable and easy to clean. It takes time to cover everything and I would say the rear seats take the most time because you have to remove the lower bench. However, there are videos on YouTube on how to do it and it won't take long. You need additional tools to get it right. I'd say it would take two or three hours to install everything on the machine, which isn't too bad. They fit very well and look very nice in the car. If you're tired of your old seats and want something that's easy to clean and looks pretty good, I'd definitely suggest spending your money on this. If not, try upholstering the seats, but it costs a lot more money.