At home or in the office, I didn't have a lot of seating options available to me. However, this is at the very least among the greatest, and it may perhaps be the best. It is undoubtedly more affordable than the one with which it is competing for first place in my own personal TOP, taking into consideration the pricing. The benefits of it include: Despite its seeming weight, it can be moved around with ease and has an appealing appearance. And while there is a range of hues from which to choose, I rejected the conventional black option right away. The surface of the skin does a good job of imitating natural leather, and it is very nice to the touch. The upholstery is not overly firm, so it does not cause excessive falling, but it is also very gentle. Below are some downsides: Leather imitating the real thing. A significant drawback, but considering the price, it would be foolish to want another. In addition, I do not observe any significant flaws in the construction or the materials used.