When I received the goods, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the leather and the overall design of the bag. The full-grain leather was thick and fleshy, but soft enough to hold anything inside. In fact, the leather is so durable that the bag can stand upright even when empty. In terms of hardware, the zippers used, while smooth, were a bit stiff and would make it difficult for anyone to easily open the bag. The same quality can be said about the two magnetic closures. It should be noted that the inner lining of the bag may not last as long if the bag is used frequently, e.g. B. when hiking. However, this is not a problem for those who only use the bag daily for school or the commute to work. Since that's what I bought the bag for, it's not a deal breaker for me. Overall the materials and construction of this bag are top notch and I think it's amazing value for the price.
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