I've had this wallet for a couple of weeks now so I feel like I can look through it properly now. This is the BEST wallet I've ever had. I hate wallets. I refuse to wear them, but I'm a woman and the fashion industry is trying to foist wallets on us by NOT making pockets in women's pants. For the last few years I carried my cards in a cigarette case. that I bought from the Hallmark Store. And it was great but the straps inside have all stretched and now it doesn't close well and it's a bit bulky in my pocket (when I have it). I bought this wallet because it holds more cards than my cigarette. case, and I can actually keep some cash. There was no room in the cigarette case for anything other than plastic. Now I have 6 cards on one side, 3 on the other and 6 bills (US dollars) in the center sleeve. Cards and cash are very safe, even if it only has a few cards. Even though my wallet is pretty full, the cards still slip out easily. It takes a little more effort to withdraw cash, but not by much. To get hold of a bill you have to remove the entire stack of bills but for me this is a very minor inconvenience as I was unable to carry cash at all before receiving this wallet. My husband is also a big fan of minimalist wallets so I'm going to buy him one. I bought white. It is very well made and I expect it will last for many years. *** Only downside I found is that the side where I have 6 cards is a bit stretched. If I take out some cards and turn the wallet upside down they will try to slide out but the lip (binding) on top will catch them. I bought this wallet because it fits so many cards that I won't take any of them out of the wallet. At least for your information.