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808 Review
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Review on Intraleads by Skyy Strickland

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Easy to Use Platform That Saves Time

The best part about this software was it's easeof use; I did not encounter problems with its setup process at all! It took me less than 5 minutes from downloading their free trial version up until setting things live for my team without having issues (which makes sense because they offer support!). This program has allowed us reach out more efficiently via social media as well so we are able gather valuable information quicker which allows our sales people get back into contact faster when needed - saving time & money while doing business together!! No complaints here but if there were one thing i would say perhaps make sure before purchasing what other users think/say regarding how easy /hard certain features may seem? We're using them mainly through Facebook ads campaigns however will also utilize LinkedIn groups advertising once implemented properly by marketing manager who created these accounts :) There really isn't much too dislike except maybe pricing structure since most companies do charge monthly fees regardless whether used just 1-2 times per week etc.. But.

  • Easy to learn, intuitive interface wth great customer service helpdesk.
  • Fast setups in short amount oiftime required,
  • Great reporting tools available within tool itself or outside suchas google spreadsheets&amp gmail mailboxesetc.,+Great variety selection optionsavailablefor campaign types including retargeting adson FB pages + Instagram Adsand PinterestActorsonFB postswith no restrictionsor limitations