Update: Wow, the OPALRAY seller has my broken ones Light bulbs replaced by 2 new ones, without being asked by me! (I believe in response to my review.) Thank you! This efficient lamp works great and gives off a very nice warm light. Here is the electrical data I observed: At 5.5V it draws <1mA and barely glows at 6.0V. It draws 1mA, it's dim and nice to look at. At 6.5V it draws 11mA and is brighter yet beautiful to look at. very bright from 8.2v-12.0v, the current starts to narrow and at 12v only draws 158mA and doesn't get bright. At max brightness the base starts to heat up a bit but I wouldn't consider it as designate hot (when they work). I ordered 2 and they arrived DOA. I can't send them back as I couldn't help but take them apart. У одного была полностью сгоревшая черная плата трансформатора в базе (очевидно, кто-то подключил ее к розетке 120 В, а затем вернул), но светодиодные нити загорались нормально при подаче постоянного тока от 2,5 В до 3,0 В непосредственно на каждую out of them. The other bulb had no apparent physical damage but all 4 filaments were completely dead. I may try to order them again sometime as small low voltage 4 filament bulbs with E12 bases are not exactly easy to find.