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Review on Columbia Partners Private Capital by Anakobe Victor

Revainrating 5 out of 5


Columbia partners private capital is known to be a firm made for investment purposes founded in the year 2004 based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The aim of this investment firm is to look for a superior risk adjusted returns through private market investments available

Columbia partners private capital invests directly in private held companies through a separately managed accounts and also deals in the sponsor of multiple private equity funds of funds. They have a private capital assets which is under their management to be over $625million as of this moment.

Going through the platform discovered that indeed the expert in what they do as they are experienced in with investors and management teams in other to maximize values. I can say with deep conviction that funds are safe with them and they are really worth trusting with an investment as they are fully equipped to maximize profit and serve their customers with optimal satisfaction

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Its great updating back on Columbia partners private capital,in addition to the already given details they have a company size which is upto 10 at maximum

They are an industry which ventures into capitals and private equities

They also function as a direct debt and equity investor and also co-invest into profitable businesses

  • Qualified professionals are used to manage assets
  • Their prices are competitive with favourable terms
  • None