I like this product as it has really softened the skin on some of my projects. Very well absorbed. Otherwise, I mostly used nettle oil. I've tried other products for things I need less greasy like upholstery, so I've tried leather honey with good results, although it doesn't absorb as well but leaves a nice aftertaste. Better than the lip balm I used. The new quick chrome tanned leather doesn't produce the same results as things I've made from vegetable tanned leather or other older processes. In old leather stuff I had like clothes, motorcycle jackets, scabbards etc. this product is great. Soaks in properly and makes you supple again. I do not recommend anything similar to belts, after use there was a stretch. I also used saddle soap for the first step and I really liked it too because it was easier to use than the old saddle soap cans and unlike soapy water which shrinks or hardens the leather.