Great bag! It's big enough to be comfortable for hiking, biking or similar activities; but small enough to be used as a wallet. This is a good nylon material that wears well yet looks classy. The workmanship looks high quality and well made. I like a few things about the belt design. You can easily wear it over either shoulder, and if you need to access one of the pockets you can either remove it entirely or just slide it so it now hangs in the front instead of the back. Of course, if one shoulder gets tired, you can easily switch to the other. The strap is nice and wide and distributes the weight well. The band is light gold in color with some reflective properties. For me the bag is therefore more suitable for a woman than for a man, but of course that is a question of personal preference. It is important to note that the overall look and design of the bag suits both men and women well. There are several pockets on the front and one on the back. There are two elasticated pockets on the sides that usually hold a water bottle pocket. They aren't big enough for a water bottle. You're holding a cell phone or something smaller like a pocket camera. It would be easy to attach a water bottle with a carabiner style clip or other clip. I love the design, look and overall quality of this bag. I can easily give 5 stars and a good recommendation. If you have any questions about our recent experience with this bag or about this review, please ask them in the comments! Thank you! We received this bag at a reduced price in exchange for an unbiased review.
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