This solved the problem of disposing of used items and related items related to caring for my elderly mother. If I had to redo something, I would buy a more expensive product without a sunroof. This scent storage flap is difficult to open and I have found that the user tends to squeeze it when in use, sliding in the dirt which tends to pull the pouch from one side. Last time he emptied the entire supply of bags into the machine before the end of the week. This is a 2 star rating item for ease of use. I have noticed that replacement packs from other suppliers do not differ from the ones supplied. The bags provided seemed secondary as they were gone after 3 weeks. Cheaper generic packs last 6 weeks or longer in a cartridge. Tip: When the bag is almost full, twist to close the top, then shake down vigorously to compress the contents. You can even squeeze the contents out from the outside. This doubles the life of the bag. Use the cutter under a small movement after rotating the bag to close it. f
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