Formula : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Shades: ⭐️⭐️I’ve always been drawn to Kaja for their adorable packaging and this one is ohh so cute. The formula itself wears really light and glides on smoothly, and it has a really yummy taste to it.I’m confused and disappointed by the shades in this line though. They’re all so brown based! I have fair skin and really had a hard time figuring out a shade that might complement it. There’s a couple photos of swatches on the product page and they vary so much in both it was hard to tell how it would wear. I entered up going on YouTube and watching all the swatch videos I could. I eventually went with "I’m melting” and it looks awful on me, I’m so sad I can’t wear this. It’s like a muddy light purple color, I sort of look dead? Lol 😭 they really need to bring some lighter pinks into this range, which would also fit the packaging so well! Brown bases don’t look good on everyone :(
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