I wanted breathable shoes but not sandals. (I don't really like sandals.) I used to have a pair of name brand beach/pool shoes that worked great, but they eventually gave out. These shoes were very similar to the ones I had and were a good price. For me they met all the requirements. They breathe well and I feel good wearing them all day. I'm going to wear these shoes very casually and I think they're ok by the way. Without socks they are a bit itchy - that may change if I keep wearing them. These shoes are designed to be suitable for hiking, walking, fishing, beach, volleyball, cycling, running and driving. Of these activities I would say that they are not at all suitable for hiking, biking, jogging or walking. They lack significant arch support and are more likely to cause blisters if not worn with thick enough socks. If you are looking for these shoes for any of the above activities I would look elsewhere. I deduct two stars for that. For me personally, for my needs, they work. I will keep them. If I needed them for anything other than everyday use I would return them.