I admit the possibility that I'm doing something wrong, but I doubt it a little. Two nights in a row I left my Pi 3 connected to this board via USB while keeping the battery charged. At some point on both nights, the battery apparently stops charging, causing the Pi to drain its battery and eventually die. When I buy a UPS now, I assume I'm buying something that will allow my equipment to continue operating for a period of time during a power outage and then switch back to normal power when it's restored. From "uninterruptible" to "uninterruptible power supply". Now, if my house had even a brief power outage in the middle of the night, I would know because my smart lights would come on at full brightness when plugged back in. That didn't happen. So why did the battery stop charging in the middle of the night two nights in a row? I'll try for 3 days but if it doesn't work I guess I'll have to return the thing.
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