Received these today. I bought them to control two LED strips I have mounted on my desk. One of the dimmers functions as expected, and powers off when turning the wheel all the way to the left. The other, however, does not. It clicks like you turned it off, but the LED strip is still dimly lit. For my purposes, I'll live with it, but be warned, these don't turn all the way off.
Lutron Diva Magnetic Low-Voltage Brown Dimmer DVLV-600P-BR
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ENERLITES Elite Series Decorator Rocker Light Switch, 15A 120V/277V, Gloss Finish, Single Pole, 3 Wire, Grounding Screw, Residential Grade, UL Listed, 91150-DB, Dark Bronze Color (10 Pack)
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10 Pack BESTTEN Dimmer Light Switch - Single-Pole Or 3-Way, 120V Compatible With LED/CFL/Incandescent/Halogen Bulbs & Wallplate Included - UL Listed White
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Black Lutron Maestro MA-L3T251-BL 300-Watt Single-Pole Digital Dimmer And Timer Switch For Incandescent And Halogen Bulbs
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Fulham WorkHorse WH2-120-C Adaptable Ballast - 2 Pack
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π Robertson 2P20132 Quik-Pak: 10 Fluorescent eBallasts for 2 F40T12 Linear Lamps, Preheat Rapid Start, 120Vac, 50-60Hz, Normal Ballast Factor, NPF, Model RSW234T12120 /A (Crosses to RSW240T12120 /B)
4 Review
π‘ Electronic FL Ballast ICN-4P32-N (Formerly ICN-4P32-SC) for 3-4 F32T8 F40T8 F17T8 Lamps, 120V/277V Compatibility
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Wireless Electronic Ballast Interface Certified
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