Satisfied with the goods. The seller is also good, but there is not enough information about versions and some kind of feedback before ordering. I had to collect information from other marketplaces about this seller in order to find out which versions are sent out. Got pros: Version CFI-1200 A 01. The product was well packaged. The box itself is sealed with two types of seals - original (with hieroglyphs) and 2022-language. The original seal was opened, the 2022 seals on the box were sealed. I don’t know what this is connected with, perhaps the consoles were tested for performance. The set is complete, as described. The adapter plug was separately, in the shipping box of the market. Some cons: There was no information about which version of the console is being sold. In fact, you will find out about this at the point of issue when you open the shipping package.
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