Excellent drill if you follow the gearbox. Pros below: Bought with made in Japan cartridge. Those. complete absence of beat. The impact is not active in idle mode when there is no pressure on the drill. The mode with impact on concrete is relevant up to 6mm. 6mm is already hard. Great drill, but there is one thing. Has cons: A problematic gearbox is demanding on the quality and quantity of lubricant. If the gearbox heats up at idle or gets very hot at low load, then lubrication revision. It is desirable to use gear lubrication. If you lay a lot, then there will be problems with switching speeds and heating. If you lay a little, then also heating. May come with dry or insufficient grease from the factory. Grease may leak through the mode switch slider. Crushed gears are precisely due to lack of lubrication and overheating.