These wax paper sandwich bags are similar to national brand bags but cheaper. The only difference is that national branded packs are a darker, translucent brown while these are white and translucent. Having bought wax paper bags from other manufacturers in the past, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the bags held together well and were roomy enough to hold an entire sandwich. (The two main issues with bags from other brands seem to me to be that they fall apart too easily and they are too narrow.) The bags come in a pack of 200 and do not stack within the pack so the pack is quite large is . . National branded pouches come in smaller and more convenient packs of 50 that fit better in a kitchen drawer. However, the price difference was so big that I didn't really care about the aesthetics and found a box that could fit into a larger pack size. I am very happy with the purchase. They are easy to use and a more sustainable alternative to regular plastic bags for lunch at work and school. highlighted.
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