Easy backgrounds has been so helpful to our organization. I highly recommend them for their services and dedication to quality work! They are always willing to answer any questions you may have. No complaints here! We love everything about this company. Great workmanship, great customer service. Every time we send something off to get done we feel confident that they will look out for us. There is nothing wrong with their business. This is my go too solution for background printing. Great company to use for all your printing needs. Background printing with ease! The best part is how much easier it makes life when it comes to sending us files to print. Easy Backgrounds has been a valuable resource for our organization and has helped us navigate the complicated process of obtaining a background check. The fact that they are a non-profit organization makes it even more valuable. I have no complaints about Easy Backgrounds. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a resource for a background check. We are able to obtain a background check for our employees to ensure that they are not criminals or have a criminal record.