I ordered these Mighty Girls training leggings for my daughter and she loves them and they are so cute. She says they fit her perfectly and are close to the body, they are very comfortable to wear, easy to put on and take off and very easy to put on. She likes that the materials are thin, strong and durable. and breathable. My daughter loves that they are tag free, soft, smooth and gentle on her skin. She loves how well they fasten around her waist, making it difficult for her to just slip off when walking in them. She likes that they match most of her tops and shoes and she likes that they don't itch as her skin is quite sensitive and they seem to be made from quality materials that are 95% organic cotton and Consists of 5% spandex. She is happy that after two washes they still look good, have not faded and have not lost their quality. They are excellent value for money and I would definitely recommend them.
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