I've bought a lot of solar powered string lights over the last few years including round ones. Even when the solar device is aimed at direct sunlight, they usually don't shine very brightly and dim after a few hours at night. I bought these green balls in December of this year. I live in Sun. Cal but December is our coldest month so there are cloudy days and the sun is not always as bright as the other months but they remain brightly lit until sunrise. I've had them for a week now, we'll see how they hold up, but so far very impressed.
Transform Your Home With BHCLIGHT'S 138 LED Star String Lights: Perfect For Bedroom Decor, Ramadan, Wedding, Garden And Christmas Decorations In Blue
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100FT Plug-In Waterproof LED String Lights With 8 Modes For Indoor/Outdoor Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas Decoration - 300 LEDs By FUNPENY
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6PCS Multicolor Twinkle Lights W/Remote: 6.5Ft 20 LEDs, CR2032 Battery Powered For Bedroom, Wedding, Patio & Garden Decoration
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Funpeny Christmas Icicle Lights Outdoor Decorations 29.5FT 360 LED 8 Modes Clear Wire Curtain Fairy String Light With 60 Drops For Indoor Wedding Party Holiday Xmas Decor, Warm White
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Buffalo Flurries Extra Quart Measure
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βοΈ Icy Holiday Magic: Instant Snow Powder for Christmas Tree Decoration and Winter Crafts - Makes 10 Gallons of Synthetic Snow!
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COFIT 43" Retractable Snow Shovel, Aluminium Alloy Snow Sand Mud Removal Tool For Car Outdoor Camping And Garden, Detachable Four-Piece Construction, Black
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CyberDyer Snowballs Indoor Outdoor Play
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